Busy, Busy


It’s the time of the year when all the schedules are colliding: caring for the new fruit trees (which have to be hand watered for the first summer), taking out spring crops, freezing things like snow and snap peas, seeding/transplanting summer crops, and in just a few more weeks, starting fall crops. Not to mention getting the @$*@#)$@) irrigation system going (this year it’s been more of a pain than usual), the normal daily routine and my writing (which is how I make a living). We won’t mention housework, OK? The only thing saving me at the moment is that Maybelle hasn’t calved yet, and I’m not milking. We pasture breed, which means unless I’m lucky enough to actually see the bull breed a cow, all I have is a date range. It looks as though she didn’t catch until her second cycle with him, so she’s probably got at least another week to go. In the mean time, a few pictures for your viewing pleasure, and don’t worry if the posts are a bit sparse for the next few weeks…

The last of the Mammoth Melting Snow Peas, headed for the freezer.

The last of the Mammoth Melting Snow Peas, headed for the freezer.

Overcrowded tomatoes waiting to be transplanted.

Overcrowded tomatoes waiting to be transplanted.

Strawberry season!

Strawberry season!

Lucullus chard, named after an ancient Roman general who was also renowned for his banquets.

Lucullus chard, named after an ancient Roman general who was also renowned for his banquets.

Pig snacks! Cleaned up the pea vines and planted pole beans with lots of fresh compost.

Pig snacks! Cleaned up the pea vines and planted pole beans with lots of fresh compost.

White Paris Cos lettuce.

White Paris Cos lettuce.

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2 Responses to Busy, Busy

  1. Amy Randolph says:

    Awesome post, Bee. It shows both the multiplicity and the rhythm of a farming life.

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